Master the skill of living a better life
The Happy Body is a mindful exercise & nutrition program that helps you break free from bad habits and excel. It connects what the body needs and what the mind wants with the better person you want to be.
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Unlike going to the gym, doing classes for years without a plan, without a way to measure improvement or any idea how to fix your issues.
Self-coachable eating & training program that frees you from the overwhelming and contradictory advice, any fitness fad, any diet that leaves you powerless and depressed.
The Happy Body gives you:

Science-based standards
Clear science-based standards for improvement: strength, flexibility, posture, speed, leanness

7-weeks of guided approach
7-weeks of guided approach: measurement of where you are at now, a plan of how to improve, a progress check, a plan to sustain a better lifestyle

Self-coachable eating & training program
Self-coachable eating & training program that frees you from any BSs out there, any fitness fad, any diet that leaves you powerless and sad
Results you can measure
This innovative program establishes exact, scientific and testable methods and goals to safely engineer your own weight loss and fitness within precise time periods.

Though we all desire a healthy, happy life, it's ironic that we often follow a path of poor choices and self-sabotage.
As our clients say – the search is over. I feel, I understand, I know that things will be OK now.

The daily, 30-minute routine will leave you
less stressed and injury-free.
Make measurable improvements in the following six Standards of The Happy Body:
Good posture
Ideal body
You are successful in many ways, but not in this – taking good care of yourself and being happy.
You are a person who keeps searching for ways to improve. Life throws difficulties at you. You tackle them. You don’t settle for less.
You are successful in many ways, but not in this – taking good care of yourself and being happy.
You are a person who keeps searching for ways to improve. Life throws difficulties at you. You tackle them. You don’t settle for less.

Of the 10,000-plus people I’ve met in my life, I would put Aniela and Jerzy in the top 10, in terms of success and happiness. The Happy Body contains the morning mobility work that both Naval Ravikant and I do on a near-daily basis… He’s unapologetically and refreshingly no-bullshit.
Tim Ferriss
New York Times #1 Best Selling Author
Hear how The Happy Body helped Tim recover from injuries

Jerzy is an incredible guy. He’s in his sixties and incredibly fit… He’s like a Samurai lord. He ranges from being a powerful human being to being a beautiful human being. I think of him as a lion but also at peace.
Naval Ravikant
Founder of AngelList
Hear how The Happy Body gave Naval a “second body”

In all my years as a professor of spine biomechanics, I have conducted countless experiments in my search for the wisdom that is needed to attain health, avoid injury, and enhance performance. My journey would have been simpler had I read The Happy Body years ago.
Stuart McGill
Professor of Biomechanics

Easy choices. Hard life.
Hard choices. Easy life.
This one life-changing principle will lead you to become more mindful and conscious of how you’re living. Exercising for entertainment and eating for pleasure are Easy Choices that don’t make you better over time. Easy Choices are familiar and comforting, but there’s no growth or improvement.
Happiness is a combination of self-control and virtue, which comes from making Hard Choices. What once was hard, with practice becomes easy, and life becomes rich and satisfying.
THE HAPPY BODY will guide you towards constructive changes that will make a positive difference in your life. Once you establish your routine, you will be able to focus your energy and attention on what’s truly important.
Created by
World champions
For anyone who wants to engage their body in a mindful and purposeful way every day and get results.
As creators of The Happy Body Program, the couple has been mentoring clients for more than 30 years, helping them achieve a strong body and a strong mind. The Happy Body program has reached more than 30,000 practitioners throughout the world. Clients include numerous Hollywood stars, Silicon Valley luminaries, people with chronic conditions, people of all sizes and shapes.

Aniela Gregorek
Aniela has won 7 World Weightlifting Championships and established numerous world records.

Jerzy Gregorek
Jerzy has won 4 World Weightlifting Championships and established a world record that still stands 17 years later.

What will you discover
in this book?
- Assess your current fitness level and track your weekly progress in six key categories of youthfulness.
- Get and keep your body in perfect condition doing as little as 30 minutes of exercise a day.
- Set achievable goals and establish the appropriate exercise routine and nutrition plan for your specific body type.
- Learn eating and exercise techniques that maximize your proportion of muscle to fat.
- Establish your Ideal Body Weight based on 13 possible body types–and see visible changes every week.
- Save money and decrease waste by making smart food choices and having fun in the kitchen.
- Look and feel dramatically more youthful and reverse many serious health conditions.
- Start meditating to relax, stimulate weight loss, and feel happier.