Dear Posture Summit Participant,I hope you enjoyed the session on Perfect Posture.
I truly believe that the key to improving posture is found in the gym, following a structured routine, and that doing so is easier and more pleasant than you may expect.The Happy Body program will guide you day-by-day to help you achieve a more youthful way of living; recovering your flexibility, strength, speed, posture, leanness, and ideal body weight.Sign up below to get the first chapter free plus an added bonus chapter on posture.
“Youth-promoting exercise can be joyful, and healthy meals can be delicious. I learned this about two years ago, when I noticed that some of my patients were dramatically losing weight and becoming healthier–and, in-fact, their whole outlook on life seemed to be changing for the better. When I asked them what they were doing differently, they all mentioned The Happy Body program.” –Eric L. Weiss, MD
Change your fundamental relationship with food and exercise.
The Happy Body will teach you the simple science of nutrition, exercise, and relaxation.
Becoming lean and fit is not a matter of training for a few weeks, like Rocky, to become a world champion. That only happens in Hollywood movies that portray professional athletes exercising for hours every day until they are exhausted. Real athletes never do that. They train only to the point that they can recover for the next day s training. Their progress comes in small increments, not heroic triumphs. Unfortunately, movies have persuaded people that they can become lean and fit virtually overnight.
Two Recent Reviews from Amazon:
Their approach to fitness is distinctly different from that of the average crunch-and-run trainers… “The original treadmills were used to punish prisoners,” says Jerzy. “Exercise should not be punishment. The more you run, the weaker and less flexible you become.”Christine Lennon, W Magazine
It’s hard to imagine pairing the words “happy” and “competitive weightlifting”––think of all that straining and grunting!––but the duo are smiling examples of their own regimen, and their clients can’t seem to sing their praises enough.Carolyne Zinko, San Francisco Chronicle