How to Get Started with The Happy Body
The recommended starting point for anyone new to The Happy Body is to get a copy of the book in print or ebook format.
The book covers everything you need to know about The Happy Body Program:
- The philosophy of The Happy Body
- Setting up your food plan to help you control weight
- Starting the THB exercise routine to maintain or restore youthfulness
- Our daily stress release technique that helps you be focused and mindful about your choices throughout the day
- Work one-on-one with the masters, Jerzy and Aniela → contact us
- Connect with a certified Happy Body Mentor
- Daily Zoom Hotline call with Jerzy at noon PST
(Meeting ID: 459 441 8282) - Read our blog for insights and inspiration
If you have more questions, email us at
How to make Happy Body Bars
Additional Books by Aniela and Jerzy
As poets and writers, Aniela and Jerzy have penned multiple titles that enhance all aspects of practicing The Happy Body Lifestyle.

The Happy Body: Self Mastery Workbook
Essential for Happy Body Practitioners. Workbook to record daily food intake, exercise, weight, and weekly assessments, with daily inspirational readings and space to record personal thoughts and feelings.

The Happy Body Virtues: Daily Practices for the Modern Stoic
Inspirational support for The Happy Body Practice. 52 Wisdom sayings with writing space to dwell in understanding and then action related to each.

I Got This: The Art of Getting Grit
Addresses Happy Body practitioners’ vulnerabilities. A rich array of stories, lectures, and poems to cultivate the readiness that sparks spontaneous transformation.

The Happy Body: Food For Your Soul
A collection of poems to strike a responsive chord, guiding you toward construction changes with diet that will make a positive difference in your life.

The Happy Body: Mastering Food Choices
Dialogues that show the reader how to become conscious of the inner Master and Fatalist, with practical workbook scenarios drawn from life to explore common dilemmas around eating mindfully.

The Happy Body: Mastering Exercise Choices
More dialogues and workbook scenarios to further examine and dramatize our inner voices of Master and Fatalist in practicing the exercises.

The Happy Body: Mastering Rest Choices
Another practical, dialogue-enriched workbook that illuminates how the Master and Fatalist manifest in the realm of rest and rejuvenation.

Sacred and Scared
The old world and the new world collide in this poetry collection about growing up in Communist Eastern Europe and immigrating to America by Jerzy Gregorek.

Poetry can be a remedy in times when life is challenging. More than ever, we need to reach out, to talk about our emotions and not numb ourselves with shopping, over-exercising or overeating.

The Happy Body Journal
A blank lined journal to fill with thoughts, feelings and reflections, poured from the mind through the hands and onto the page, where they can be grappled with.
More Resources

The Happy Body Exercise Videos
Master all 18 exercises by watching the instructional DVD set.