The Simple Science of Nutrition, Exercise, and Relaxation
Created by world champions for anyone who wants to engage their body in a mindful and purposeful way every day and get results.
“Of the 10,000-plus people I’ve met in my life, I would put Aniela and Jerzy in the top 10, in terms of success and happiness. The Happy Body contains the morning mobility work that both Naval Ravikant and I do on a near-daily basis… He’s unapologetically and refreshingly no-bullshit.”TIM FERRISS
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The Happy Body will teach you the simple science of nutrition, exercise, and relaxation.
Becoming lean and fit is not a matter of training for a few weeks, like Rocky, to become a world champion. That only happens in Hollywood movies that portray professional athletes exercising for hours every day until they are exhausted. Real athletes never do that. They train only to the point that they can recover for the next day’s training. Their progress comes in small increments, not heroic triumphs. Unfortunately, movies have persuaded people that they can become lean and fit virtually overnight.
Based on standards and goals established over the course of three decades of practice, and backed by sound scientific study, The Happy Body program features structured exercise sequences (simple weightlifting and floor exercises), relaxation techniques, and nutrition guidelines.
The plan is simple but not simplistic, and it will give you control over your results.
The 6 Standards of Youthfulness
The program slows down the aging process by restoring six qualities of youthfulness— flexibility, strength, speed, leanness, ideal body weight, and good posture—making you feel as youthful as you were at 20.
Using detailed step-by-step photographs, easy-to-follow charts and formulas, and concise written instructions, the Gregoreks show how to design a personalized fitness plan consisting of 18 exercises you can do in your own home with a set of inexpensive hand weights.
They demonstrate how to do each exercise the right way so as to avoid injury, and include guidelines that enable you to customize a routine for your own body type, fitness and health goals, and progress.There’s no guesswork. The Gregoreks demonstrate how to precisely calculate how much fat you will lose, muscle you will gain, what you can expect your body to look like, and exactly how long it will take you to reach your ideal body size and shape using their Happy Body fitness, relaxation, and nutrition guidelines.
It’s hard to imagine pairing the words “happy and “competitive weightlifting”–think of all that straining and grunting!–but the duo are smiling examples of their own regimen, and their clients can’t seem to sing their praises enough.
Carolyne Zinko – San Francisco Chronicle
Their approach to fitness is distinctly different from that of the average crunch-and-run trainers… “The original treadmills were used to punish prisoners,” says Jerzy. “Exercise should not be punishment. The more you run, the weaker and less flexible you become.”
Christine Lennon – W Magazine
I learned daily decompression from Jerzy Gregorek… a world record holder in Olympic weightlifting. He also wrote The Happy Body, which contains the morning mobility work that both Naval Ravikant and I do on a near-daily basis… He’s unapologetically and refreshingly no-bullshit.
Tim Ferriss – Tools of Titans
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