When it comes to your body, “engineering” is not a sexy word – images of robots, wires, calculations and equations come to mind. If we leave ourselves open to the forces of nature, we inevitably decline and decay. To alter this destiny, we must step up and have an active hand in engineering our future selves.
Where we live, in Silicon Valley, many people look to engineering as a path of knowing, controlling, and liberating themselves to create the bodies they want. When someone comes to the Happy Body wanting to improve, the engineer is who they meet first. There’s no judgment.
Sample Happy Body Calculations
Starting Weight: 189 lbs
Ideal Body Weight: 165 lbs
Calories to eat per day to lose 1.65 lbs per week: 1155 calories (plus burning 825 calories from fat per day)
Time to achieve Ideal Body Weight: 14.5 weeks
Information determined by Happy Body Program
We photograph them and calculate their ideal weight, formulate clear goals, lay out a precise plan for how to get there with standards and measurements, and work with them to apply the plan effectively. Like scientists, we focus on what, when, how, and how much—which you can calculate and test.

When it comes to other fitness programs people can’t really blame themselves when they fail, because most fitness classes today have become pure entertainment. Clients are left with a sense of vagueness, confusion and opacity regarding how to improve, and they don’t. They lose themselves, and lose sight of the very thing they want from the activity. They might be having a good time but they’re not getting stronger, faster, or leaner. With passing time, they might just do the opposite—become stiffer, weaker, and slower–exactly what aging is.

If engineers aren’t mindful and focused on what they’re doing, the technology won’t work. The same principle applies to fitness and health: you have to start with clear goals and a sense of exactly who you want to become, formulate a plan, and work toward it mindfully and consistently. You’re not exercising to distract yourself or burn off irritation or calories—you’re mindfully engaging with the challenge. It’s this focus and this galvanizing process that makes us better.
We interact with many scientists and people who have intellectual professions. They have to theorize, innovate and improve, so they’re familiar with the struggle. They use their brains but they’re not using their bodies, so their exhaustion is purely mental, leaving them overwhelmed and overstimulated. Yet when they focus mindfully on the Happy Body workout, not using it as a distraction but as a practice and discipline, they can find release and renewal. Exercise as entertainment would not bring the same benefits, calming the mind while strengthening the body. The predictability of the Happy Body exercise program allows the mind to shift into another state. And by measuring improvement, everyone knows immediately if they’re progressing or not. They find themselves with the right attitude, achieving the desired outcome of the activity that they engaged with and pursued.

Is it natural for you to think in terms of quantifiable results? Do you need to really work hard to incorporate limits, structure, and concrete goals? How do you recognize when you’re off track and bring yourself back to “reality.”
Leave your response below in the comments.

Dear Aniela and Jerzy – YOU both have completely changed my life and I have only been doing the Happy Body program since June 25th. Not even one month and I have already lost weight, standing taller, sleeping better, feeling calmer! I am a bit hungry (smile) but it’s a good feeling rather than feeling bloated or sluggish. I am so excited about my journey that I started blogging about it. https://www.myhappybodyjourney.com/ For years I have been searching for the blueprint for getting a healthier version of myself. After I was diagnosed with cancer and went through surgery and treatment in 2016-2017, it became my mission. I am so happy to have found Happy Body. Blessings to you both!!
Dear Jerzy and Aniela,
I absolutely love the Happy Body Program. I’m 64 and have always been health conscious, going to the gym, eating mostly whole foods, but I was more of a volume eater, and my gym routine wasn’t really a set routine. I felt if I at least moved and did something for 30 or 45 minutes per day or most days that I was doing well and I also walk on my work breaks. I began the happy body in March of 2018 at 153 lbs (I’m 5’3″ (Sumo body type) and am down to 140 and what I love the most is I can really see the definition in my muscles! I’m down from a size 10 to 8, and from some 8’s to 6’s in clothing sizes-depending on brands and styles. I’ve missed very few workout days. I told myself that if I miss a day, I won’t guilt trip myself, but the plan is to do it daily. Last night I didn’t get it in, but I woke up unable to sleep at 4:30 am, and usually on the rare occasions when I can’t sleep, I get up and read for 30 to 45 minutes then go back to bed, but this morning, I got up and did my happy body then I went back to bed and was actually able to fall back to sleep! I know I’ve rambled on, but many thanks, and I hope to meet you two one day.
Honestly, I don’t pay a lot of attention to measuring my improvements, at least not in the short term. Instead, I pay attention to did-I-show-up-today? Did I do what I need to do today? Those things I control. Every consideration of how I can to a movement a little better, I control. The results? Eventually I will measure them. Not now.
No, I am not a completely changed person. Nor am I now perfect. But I have better routines. I make consistently better choices. I leaned on these routines during a difficult time recently and kept making better choices than before. So, all in all, I’m delighted that I learned about The Happy Body.
Update from Arlene Rubio-weight 128lbs, clothing size 4’s and 6’s, still loving the Happy Body and have joined the membership!
Hi Arlene,
Fantastic! Congratulations on your happier body and mind. Consistency is a sign of skill.